lm-79 test procedure

What are the limitations of LM-79?

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What are the limitations of LM-79?

As we all know about the strength of LM 79. Everything has its pros and cons. Let us have a look on the drawbacks of LM 79.

  • LM 79 depicts the parameters of the individual products. So the obtained Parameters cannot be used to access alike products.
  • Other limitation is the sample size. It does not state any sample size. So, the manufacturer provides only one sample instead of supplying more. This thus increases the vulnerability of lesser quality products.
  • This can be used only to determine complete luminary instead of LED used ( as based on absolute photometry) , which can produce different results due to quality of accessories used like glass, thermal effect, lenses etc.

If you’re Buyers Demanding for LM-79 Testing– Contact Now!

Wish this blog post will be help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. ITCIndia team looking forward work with you and get better together!

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: [email protected]

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What is LM 79 Test methodology?

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What is LM 79 Test methodology?

LM 79 is an approved method that describes the procedure to be followed and precautions to be observed in performing reproducible measurements of total Luminous flux, electrical power, luminous intensity distribution, chromaticity of Solid-State lighting products for illumination purposes under standard conditions.

LM 79 covers- LED based SSL products with control electronics and heat sinks. Luminaries (fixtures incorporating light source) as well integrated LED lamps.

LM 79 doesn’t cover fixtures without a light source, SSL products that require external operating.

LM 79

Test method for total luminous flux Measurements:

The total luminous flux of SSL product shall be measured with an Integrating Sphere or Goniophotometer. The method may be chosen depending upon what other measurements quantities (color, intensity distribution) need to be measured., the size of SSL products, and other requirements.

The integrating sphere is suited for total luminous flux and color measurements of integrated LED lamps and relative small size LED luminaries. Advantage of using integrating sphere is that it does not requires the “ Dark Room”., and also it is less time consuming.

The Goniophotometer provides measurements of Luminous Intensity Distribution as well as total luminous flux. It can take measurements of larger size luminaries as well as small size luminaries. It has to be installed in Dark Room. Measurements in goniophotometer are time consuming.

  Integrating Sphere Goniophotometer
Conditions No Dark room Dark Room
Size of SSL Small Size luminaries Large size as well as small size Luminaries
Measurements Total Luminous Flux Light Intensity Distribution , Total Luminous Flux
Duration of Test Fast Measurements Time consuming as compared to Sphere photometer.

If you’re Buyers Demanding for Luminaries  Testing– Contact Now!

Wish this blog post will be help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. ITCIndia team looking forward work with you and get better together!

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: [email protected]

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What is the LM-79 Testing of LED Lights?

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What is the LM-79 Testing of LED Lights?

LM-79 Testing for LED Lights

LM-79 is an approved method for taking electrical and photometric measurements of SSL products. It covers total flux (light output), electrical power, efficacy, chromaticity, and intensity distribution. The five required metrics on the LED Lighting Facts label come from LM-79 testing results.

ITCIndia Offering you a complete choice of services which include LM 79 Testing, Safety Testing, Electrical Testing, IEC/EN/IS/BS/ISO Testing, IP testing as per IEC 60529 and Cable Gland Testing.

ITCIndia Laboratory has been awarded accreditation by the NABL under the Energy Efficient Lighting Products Program. This includes LM-79 accreditation for Solid State Lighting Luminaires – Total Flux Measurements (Luminous Efficacy) and Solid State Lighting Luminaires –Luminous Intensity Measurements.

Our accreditation also includes IES LM-80:2008 for Solid State Lighting Luminaires-Lumen Maintenance (SSL Life Tests).

ITCIndia laboratory is also on the LED Lighting Facts Approved Labs List.

ITCIndia can do safety testing against below international standard like

  •    IEC 61010-1 : lab instruments
  •    IEC 60204-1 : COntrol panel
  •    IEC 60595 : LED luminary
  •    IEC 61347 : Lamp control gear
  •    IEC 60950 : Information technology equipments
  •    IEC 60601 : Electromedical equipmets
  •    IEC 60065 : Audio video & similar product
  •    IEC 61439 : Low voltage switchgear & control gear assemblies
  •    IEC 60034 : rotating electrical machine and more contact us for more information…

LM-79 Definition and Scope

IES LM-79 is an approved method for testing electrical and photometric measurements of solid-state lighting products. LM-79 contains procedures for performing reproducible measurements of LEDs properties, including: total flux, electrical power, efficacy and chromaticity.

The scope of LM-79 applies to LED products that incorporate control electronics and heat sinks. This covers complete LED luminaires and integrated LED sources. It does not include bare LED chips or LED based products without a light source.

LM-79 testing requires complete luminaire testing on an absolute photometric basis. Typically lighting products are evaluated on a relative photometric basis, where separate tests are done for lamps an luminaires. However, for solid state lighting products the LED lamps typically cannot be separated from their luminaires. The absolute photometric testing required measures the light distribution and light intensity of the complete luminaire.

LM-79 Procedures and Conditions

  • Ambient Conditions
  • Maintain temperature at 25 degrees C +/-1 degree C (within 1M)
  • Mounting – limit thermal transfer
  • Limited air flow
  • Power Supply
  • AC waveshape limit to harmonic RMS of 3%
  • Voltage regulation to +/- 2%
  • Seasoning and Stabilization
  • Testing Orientation
  • Electrical Settings
  • Instrumentation

LM-79 Testing Methods

Integrating sphere systems are used to measure the total luminous flux and color for LM-79. This can be performed with a photometer (total luminous flux) or a spectral radiometer (spectral radiant flux). Utilizing a spectral radiometer and integrating sphere is the preferred method, which derives total luminous flux and color qualities form spectral radiant flux measurements.

Goniophotometer systems are also used for LM-79 testing to measure luminous intensity distribution. The Goniophotometer system tests derive total luminous flux and provide color characteristics including CCT and CRI.

LM-79 Test Outputs and Calculations

  • Total Luminous Flux
  • Luminous Intensity Distribution
  • Electrical Power
  • Luminous Efficacy
  • Chromaticity
  • CCT
  • CRI

For your better understanding, we are going to show you the LM-79 test report of latest LED in the following:

Learn more about this Lm-79 test >

If you’re Buyers Demanding for LM-79 Testing for LED Lights– Contact Now!

Wish this blog post will be help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. ITCIndia team looking forward work with you and get better together!

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: [email protected]

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Lm-79 Testing | Lm 79 test report | Lm 79 test procedure India

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LM-79 Testing, Lm 79 Test report, LM 79 Test procedure, India

ITC India is a NABL accredited laboratory in discipline of Electrical (T-1811), Electronics (T-3509) and photometry (T-3510), serving its satisfied customers for last 5 years. Laboratory is fully equipped with the highly accurate Machines to test LM 79. It owns a Integrating sphere as well as the Goniophotometer.  Qualified and experienced engineer are appointed to perform the desired tests.

Gone are those days when we use incandescence (tungsten filament) or fluorescent (mercury atoms) bulb. They are replaced by LED’s Now; this is an era of SSL (LED) as ……There is innumerable reason for the rise in LED’s which cannot be counted on finger tips. It is beneficial to both USERS as well as to the nation. Its superior features make it so promising that one cannot deny using LED’s.  The features of LED’s are, its low power consumption, digitally controllable,   Low maintenance, Ultra long source life, no UV or IR radiations, No mercury content. SSL uses semiconductors material to convert Electricity into light.  LED’s are non carbon materials.

Efficacy is the quality parameter for LED: it is measure in Lumen per watt. Higher efficacy means high energy efficient. Another quality factor is lifetime and last but not the least is Color rendering Index (CRI). CRI measures the ability of light source to reproduce the color of various objects in comparison with natural light source.

How LM-79 testing can help assess LED luminaries quality and performance?

AS LM79 report provides you with the Photometric as well as electrical parameters with a spectrum Test report. The photometric parameters are luminous flux, Efficacy and Radiant Power, CIE colorimetric Parameters (coordinates Color rendering Index (CRI), color coordinate Temperature (CCT) Duv Value, and light Intensity Distribution .Current, Voltage, Power factor, Power and frequency are the electrical parameters. It Focus on the efficiency and CRI, which are the quality parameter. Efficiency measures how much electrical energy is converting into light energy. Power factor is another electrical metric for LED driver performance and often a key parameter for street lighting due to the large number of these luminaries connected to the power grid.  As far as for lifetime, LM 80 covers that part.

What is the LM-79 test methodology?

 LM 79 is approved method to test Photometric and electrical measurements of Solid state lightning. It describes the procedure and precaution to be observed during measurements. This approved method covers LED based SSL products with control electronics and heat sinks incorporated, that is , those devices that require only AC main power or a DC voltage power supply to operate. This document does not covers SSL products that require external operating circuits, or external heat sink. LM 79 covers SSL product in a form of luminaries (fixture incorporating light source) as well as integrated LED lamps.

Why do we need it?

We need it to access the quality and other parameters due to increasing competition in the market. It provides the efficiency and power factor.   

How is LM-79 different from other test methods used for conventional lighting products?

This approved method is a guide developed for the measurements of SSL products. While many other standards for photometric measurements of light sources and luminaries are available, these standards are separated for measurements of lamps and luminaries. Since the current SSL products are in the form of luminaries or lamps, and LED light source in luminaries are not easily separated as replaceable lamps, these existing standard cannot be applied directly to SSL products. This necessitates the use of absolute photometry. This test method uses absolute photometry where as other standard uses relative photometry in short.

Now lets us clear about relative and absolute photometry.

S.NO Absolute Photometry Relative Photometry
1 Total lumen output of a luminary (bulb with fixture) Total Lumen output of a bare lamp is measured.
2 Method used to measure LED performance. Method used to measure Bare bulb and system performance.
3 Output is relative to an easy measured condition.


Output is measured in calibrated units under specific operating and environment conditions, ambient temperature, input voltage and orientation.
4 Specific lamp performance does not matter,


Lamps and system performance matters.


5 Use for SSL products For NON SSL products

What are the LM-79 test outcomes?

The outcome of the LM 79 is the REPORT providing all the required parameters as per LM 79.

They are ……

  1. CIE colorimetric parameters
  2. Chromaticity coordinate (x)
  3. Chromaticity coordinate (y)
  4. Chromaticity coordinate (u’)
  5. Chromaticity coordinate (v)
  6. Chromaticity coordinate (v’)
  7. Correlated color temperature(Tc)
  8. Duv Value
  9. Color Rendering Index(Ra)
  10. Photometric Parameters
  11. Luminous Flux( Lumen)
  12. Luminous Efficacy( Lm/W)
  13. Radiant Power
  14. Electric Parameters
  15. Input Voltage(V)
  16. Current(A)
  17. Power(W)
  18. Power Factor
  19. Frequency(Hz)
  20. Test information

Ambient Temperature, Stabilization Time, Total Operating Time, Sphere Dia, Photometric method or instrument used Wavelength range in nm of spectroradiometer.

Along with this a SPECTRUM TEST REPORT is also issued.

What are the limitations of LM-79?

  • Chips, Packages, or Modules requiring external heat sinks or operating circuits are not covered
  • Does not state the sampling size.

Is there a future scope for improvement in the LM-79 test?

Yes of course, there is always a scope for improvement in all areas.

Range/criteria of acceptance of CCT, CRI & Lumens may be defining to establish a harmonization of parameters globally.

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How to do LM-79 Testing?                 LM-79 Testing | LM-79 Test Approved Methods

LM-79 Testing Report                          LM-79 Testing Service in India

If you’re Buyers Demanding for LM-79 Testing– Contact Now!

ITC India has around 5000 clients from LED lighting division from All over India.

Get LM 79 Test Report, You can Please feel free to Ask for Quotation.

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: [email protected]

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LM 79 Testing lab in India | laboratory For LED Testing ITCIndia

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LM 79 Testing at ITC India Pvt Ltd | LM 79 Testing laboratory in India

If you are looking for LM-79 Testing Laboratory in India, ITCIndia Can Do. ITC India NABL Accredited Electrical Safety testing Laboratory Providing LM-79 Testing.

ITC India have NABL accreditation Testing laboratory under ELECTRICAL , ELECTRONICS and  PHOTOMETRY testing with certificate no. T-3509 , T-3570 & T-1811. ITC India Testing Laboratory is fully equipped with high accuracy Measuring Instruments and  trained personal to provide testing and certification Services for Electrical and  Electronic equipments. ITC India Laboratory is following the procedure as required by International Standard IEC 17025 and is already certified for ISO/IEC 17025. ITC India offering this LM 79 testing services in all over India like , Mumbai , Chennai ,Ahmedabad , New Delhi, Pune, Banglore, Kolkata

ITC India Pvt Ltd. has recently installed the  Goniophotometers LED/SSL at its Mohali laboratory. This is in addition to integrated sphere in the field of photometry testing of lamps & luminaires. With this additional testing facility, ITC India is able to perform complete photometry testing on all kinds of lamps and luminaires including LED lamps, LED Street Light, LED Downlights, outdoor lighting, LED floodlight, LED Tube lights, LED spotlight , led light strips,  led light bars, led light fixtures, and luminaires.

ITC India Laboratory  is totally equipped with high accuracy testing instruments  like spectrometer , integrating sphere , Goniophotometer , power meter , LED driver tester , safety tester , environmental chamber , and many more to provide a total testing solution for LED based product

IES LM-79-08 standard

Approved Method: Electrical and photometric Measurements of Solid-state Lighting Product

Photometric Results

Colorimetric Parameters:

  1. Chromaticity coordinates: (Chroma x / Chroma y / Chroma u(u’) / Chroma v / Chroma v’)
  2. Correlated Color Temperature (CCT)
  3. Duv Value
  4. Color Ratio
  5. Peak Wavelength (nm)
  6. Half Bandwidth (nm)
  7. Dominant Wavelength (nm)
  8. Color Purity
  9. Color Rendering Index (CRI – Ra)

Photometric Parameters:

  1. Total Luminous Flux (Lumens)
  2. Luminous Efficacy (Lumens/Watt)
  3. Radiant Power (Watts)

Electrical Results:

  1. Input Power (Watts)
  2. Input Voltage (Volts )
  3. Input Current (Amps)
  4. Power Factor
  5. Input Frequency (Hz)

Additional Parameters:

  1. Stabilization Time (Light and Power) = 60 minutes
  2. Test Geometry Configuration = 4π
  3. Spectroradiometer = (Lisun LMS-9000A Plus)
  4. Ambient Temperature = 25.0°C

ITC India Lab can do the testing of your LED product against the different standard like LM 79, IS 16106, IEC 60598-1, IEC 61347-2-13, IEC 62384, IEC62722-2-1, IEC 62031, IS 15885(part2/sec13), IS 16103, IS 16102, IEC 62612, and IEC 60969 etc  

LM 79 Testing for Solid State lighting; It includes below parameters like total lumens , CCT , CRI , Lm/watt , Luminous intensity distribution & electrical parameter like voltage , current , power & power factor ….

Popular Search about LM-79 Testing:-

  1. How to do LM-79 Testing?
  2. LM-79 Testing | LM-79 Test Approved Methods
  3. LM-79 Testing Report for LED lights, LM-79 Test Requirements & Procedure, lm 79 certificate
  4. LM-79 Testing for LED DownLight | LED Down Light Testing | LM 79 testing labs in India
  5. LED Luminaires Testing Services
  6. LM 79 testing for LED product
  7. LM-79 Testing Service in India

ITC India have around 5000 clients from LED lighting division from All over India. if you are interested to Get LM 79 Test Report.If you’re Buyers Demanding for LM-79 Testing – Contact Now!

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: [email protected]

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LED Tube Light Safety Testing as per IEC 60598-2-1 | LM-79 testing | IP Testing India

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LED Tube Light Safety Testing as per IEC 60598-2-1 | LM-79 testing | IP Testing India

Need to Get LED Tube Light Safety Testing as per IEC 60598-2-1, LM-79 testing, IP Testing in India?

ITCIndia Nabl Accredited Electrical safety Testing Laboratory Providing LED Tube Light Safety Testing and Certification Services as per IEC 60598-2-1, if you are looking for LED Tube Light Safety Testing Laboratory in your Area, you can feel free to contact us, ITCIndia also providing LM-79 testing, and IP testing for LED Tube Lights, if you are interested, we will be happy to assist you.

General Requirements for LED Tube Light Testing and Certification and Procedure:

  1. Classification for LED Tube Light Safety Testing as per IEC 60598-2-1

  • Type of protection Class 0 excluded Class II
  • Degree of protection Requirement: Ordinary IP20
  • Luminaire suitable for direct mounting on normally flammable surfaces.
  • Luminaire not suitable for direct mounting on normally flammable surfaces
  • Luminaire for normal use
  • Luminaire for rough service
  1. Marking for LED Tube Light Safety Testing as per IEC 60598-2-1:

  • Mandatory markings
  • Position of the marking
  • Format of symbols/text
  • Additional information
  • Language of instructions
  • Combination luminaires
  • Nominal frequency in Hz 50/60 Hz
  • Operating temperature
  • Symbol or warning notice
  • Wiring diagram
  • Special conditions
  • Metal halide lamp luminaire – warning
  • Limitation for semi-luminaires
  • Power factor and supply current
  • Suitability for use indoors
  • Luminaires with remote control
  • Clip-mounted luminaire – warning
  • Specifications of protective shields
  • Symbol for nature of supply
  • Rated current of socket outlet
  • Rough service luminaire
  • Mounting instruction for type Y, type Z and some Type X attachments
  • Non-ordinary luminaires with PVC cable
  • Protective conductor current in instruction if applicable
  • Provided with information if not intended to be mounted within arms reach
  • Test with water
  • Test with hexane
  • Legible after test
  • Label attached
  1. Construction
  2. Creepage distances and clearances
  3. Provision for earthing
  4. Screw terminals
  5. Screw less terminals and electrical connections
  6. External and internal wiring
  7. Protection against electric shock
  8. Endurance test and thermal test
  9. Resistance to dust, solid objects and moisture
  10. Insulation resistance and electric strength
  11. Resistance to heat, fire and tracking

And etc………

Please give us the following information to quote you:

  1. LED Tube Light photograph
  2. Intended use of the LED Tube Light
  3. Technical specification of the LED Tube Light.

We hope to have the opportunity to work with you in the future

For Further Clarification Please feel free to Contact Now! We would be happy to assist you

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | Email: [email protected]

Get Instant Quotations for LED Tube Light Testing, Please Fill the Enquiry form below:

LM-79 Testing | LM-79 Test Approved Methods

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LM-79 Testing | LM-79 Test Approved Methods

ITCIndia NABL Approved Electrical Safety Testing Laboratory, ITCIndia Laboratory is following the procedure as required by International Standard IEC 17025 and is already certified for ISO 17025 by NABL , has been awarded accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL). Under the Energy Efficient Lighting Products Program. This includes LM-79 accreditation for Solid State Lighting Luminaires, Total Flux Measurements (Luminous Efficacy) & Solid State Lighting Luminaires, Luminous Intensity Measurements.

Definition of LM-79 Testing:

LM-79 is one approved method that describes procedures & precautions in performing measurement of LED products.

Scope of IES LM-79 testing:

LM-79 Testing is applied to solid-state lighting products that include the following requirements:

  • LED based products that are integrated control circuit and heat sinks
  • LED based products only requiring AC or DC power supply

And does not cover as bellow:

  • LED products requiring external operating circuits or heat sinks (bare LED chips, package and modules)
  • Fixtures designed for LED products but sold without a light source


Electrical Requirements:

  • SSL products work with AC power: voltage, electrical current, power, frequency, power factor
  • SSL products work with DC power: voltage, electrical current, power

Test Condition and Procedures/ LM-79 Procedures and Conditions:

  1. Ambient Conditions

  • Temperature–maintaining at 25℃±1℃ / Maintain temperature at 25 degrees C +/-1 degree C (within 1M)
  • Air Flow—limited/ Limited air flow
  • Mounting–limited thermal transfer


  1. Power Supply

  • Voltage regulation to +/- 2%
  • Voltage waveform (harmonic distortion< 3%) / AC wave shape limit to harmonic RMS of 3%
  1. Aging and Stabilization/ Seasoning and Stabilization

  • New SSL products can be put into tested without aging.
  • Before testing, SSL products should work for a certain time to reach up stable working temperature.
  1. Working Orientation/ Testing Orientation

  2. Electrical Settings

  3. Instrumentation

Test Method of Lm-79/ LM-79 Test Methods:

Integrating Sphere and Goniophotometer available to achieve the test report

Integrating Sphere: Integrating sphere systems are used to measure the total luminous flux and color for LM-79. This can be performed with a photometer (total luminous flux) or a spectral radiometer (spectral radiant flux). Utilizing a spectral radiometer and integrating sphere is the preferred method, which derives total luminous flux and color qualities form spectral radiant flux measurements. Click here to see (Video) how to do LM-79 Test with Integrating sphere systems

  • For measuring total luminous flux and color
  • Photometer – Total Luminous Flux
  • Spectral Radiometer (preferred) – Spectral Radiant
  • Flux (to derive total luminous flux and color qualities)

Goniophometer :  Goniophotometer systems are also used for LM-79 testing to measure luminous intensity distribution. The Goniophotometer system tests derive total luminous flux and provide color characteristics including CCT and CRI.

  • For measuring luminous intensity distribution
  • Total luminous flux is derived
  • Provides color characteristics with spectral radiometer including CCT, CRI

Testing Data of IES LM-79/ LM-79 Test Outputs and Calculations:

Photometric Requirements:


If you are Interested You can Fill out the form below to receive a quote on the LM-79 Testing to get started:

Contact Now!

Puneet Sharma

M: 08196980555 E: [email protected]